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Kids' clubs

Join a kids’ club and involve the whole family in fun and educational activities.

If you don’t have a kids’ club in your area, you can bring together a group of like minds to learn the skills needed for life in the 21st century. The following kids’ club initiatives are just some of the ways you can engage in the excitement of science. To access further resources, consider working with the public libraries and Tech Schools who can access grants under the Partnership Network program.


CoderDojo is a global network of free, community-based programming clubs for young people that improves understanding of programming languages. Start or visit a Dojo to learn to code, build a website, or create an app or a game.

Visit CoderDojo

e2 Young Engineers Australia

e² Young Engineers Australia run after school programs that combine education and entertainment. Their programs offer an introduction to engineering, physics and mathematics.

Visit e2 Young Engineeers Australia


BRICKS 4 KIDZ® has over 750 locations in 45 countries, including 40 locations in six states and territories across Australia. BRICKS 4 KIDZ® Australia uses LEGO® to build robots, learn programming, and do other imaginative activities after school, during the holidays, in class or at parties.


Labrats Science Club

The Labrats Science Club is a community of Year 5 to Year 8 students who share an enthusiasm for learning by meeting with researchers from diverse fields of science and exploring the wonders of the world.

Visit Labrats Science Club

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Ms Rena Singh
03 9663 5259

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