Up and atom! National Science Week is fast approaching

With winter setting in, National Science Week is just around the corner. This August, get involved in shaping our bright, collective future by engaging with the world of science.
Each year, over one million people participate in more than 2000 events across the country. Victorian libraries bring the science from books on their shelves to life, schools celebrate with fanfare, and community groups get together to think about how science can improve their community and lives. These events attract a wide audience from children to adults, citizen scientists to professionals, encouraging a broader interest in scientific pursuits, and inspiring younger people to be curious and fascinated by the world we live in.
This celebration of science is your opportunity to contribute ideas, satisfy your curiosity, and learn about some of the many contributions by Australian scientists to the world of knowledge. The future is for everyone to create, and science is helping to build our future.
We encourage everyone to think about how Science, Engineering, Technology and Mathematics (STEM) is relevant to our everyday lives. Perhaps you have an idea for an event to celebrate the wonders of STEM with your community. The How to run a National Science Week event guide is a useful tool to get you started. Host a talk, or run demonstrations, hands-on activities, workshops…the sky is the limit!
Keep it Inclusive
To help make your event more inclusive of people with disability, the National Science Week Disability Inclusion Guide provides pointers on delivering accessible events. To reach young minds, the Early Childhood Activities booklet features case studies of successful events as well as detailed instructions for activities suitable for very young scientists and explorers.
Science has always been, and continues to be, a part of everyday life for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, with scientific knowledge embedded into every aspect of understanding Country: the land, sky, and sea. Cultural stories, songs, art, dance, and traditions are all part of Indigenous Knowledge systems based on observation over tens of thousands of years. This guide can inspire you to run an event that celebrates our first scientists.
Please Register your Event
Be part of the action during Australia’s largest science festival. Please register your event if you are planning to host one; otherwise, find out what is happening near you. With so much on offer, it’s impossible to be bored during National Science Week. There are so many events to enlighten, enthral, and entertain.
In Victoria, the Royal Society of Victoria manages the National Science Week Victoria program with assistance from the Inspiring Victoria Partnership Board, in partnership with the Commonwealth Department of Industry, Science, Energy & Resources, and the Victorian Commissioner for Environmental Sustainability.