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Public Libraries Victoria is proud to present an exciting online professional development session for library staff in Victoria to mark National Science Week 2021.

Tuesday 17 August, 9.30am – 11:30am, online event. $10 per person.

This event aims to raise awareness of Australian fiction and creative non‐fiction that engages with the big scientific issues of the day—including climate change, environment, mass extinctions and pandemics. We’ve brought together an enviable line-up of authors (and one poet!) who will discuss their works, and works of other writers in the field. They’ll also discuss strategies for introducing these works to readers in order to stimulate conversations in our communities.

You’ll hear these wonderful writers in a panel discussion, have a chance to ask questions in a Q&A and break off into smaller groups to discuss strategies to bring these works to attention of readers in your communities. At the end you will receive carefully curated, subject specific reading lists, book club questions and other resources to take away.

Read more or register now.

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