Monday 16th August, 7:00-8:30PM
A panel discussion exploring science, climate change, and caring for our home planet from First Peoples’ and researchers’ perspectives.
Join us to explore the complexity and beauty of Earth’s climate, the impacts of how it is changing, and hopeful messages as we move into an uncertain climate future.
Earth’s climate is incredibly complex and essential to sustaining all life on our planet. First Peoples of Australia have looked after this land sustainably since time immemorial. As the world’s oldest living cultures and the first scientists in Australia, they continue their connection to Country, physically and spiritually. Continuing caring for Country, Indigenous youth in Australia and around the world are inspiring action and leadership critical to address our climate crisis.
Simultaneously, researchers across many disciplines are working together to confront this crucial challenge of our time, and Museums Victoria Sciences will share insights from their research on different facets of climate change.
As we are confronted with the existential threat of a warming, drying climate system, Museums Victoria invite you to join a conversation with scientists and Indigenous youth at the forefront of climate action and leadership.
This important discussion will be delivered as an in-person event at Melbourne Museum and also available to stream online. We will invite audience interaction through Q+A and polls through the session. Please bring a smart phone if you’re attending in person and would like to participate in the polls and Q+A.
This event is part of the Inspiring Victoria ACCLIMATISE program for National Science Week.
Click here to read more and register for the event.