Inspiring Victoria Announces New Grant Program for 2019

Through its new Partnership Network Grants Program, the Inspiring Australia Victoria program now offers small grants ($500-$2000) to support organisations to deliver community science engagement programs and events all year round.
Grants are designed to support organisations seeking to run public science events and activities within Victoria. Specifically the grants fund life long learning, kids science clubs, and citizen science. We particularly encourage applications for grants for regional and rural events, and events involving collaboration between two or more organisations from different sectors or disciplines.
Who Can Apply: In 2019 the Partnership Network Grants will be available to Victorian public libraries and the ten Victorian Tech Schools who will be lead agencies for their Local Government Area (LGA). Other agencies interested in applying for a grant should contact their local library or Tech School to discuss guidance, support, or partnership. The first round of grants will open March 1, 2019. For more information and an application form, please visit our grants page.