What does ACCLIMATISE mean to you?

How is climate change affecting your life? How are you adapting to the changing world?
In Australia, temperatures and sea levels are rising. Droughts and bushfires are becoming more common. Around one million native species are on the brink of extinction. And these problems are not unique to our country alone.
Share with us what sustainability and adaptation mean to you. Talk to us about ACCLIMATISE. Create a <60 second video or a creative post with a picture (or two), and share it on Instagram and/or Twitter. The most creative or meaningful videos will win a prize (a science prize pack), so put your thinking, innovative, creative and reflective caps on!
Videos must be under 60 seconds long. Pictures are unlimited as long as they are contained in a single post.
All posts must be shared with #MyACCLIMATISE and @RoyalSocietyVic. Ideally with the hashtags #ACCLIMATISE and #ScienceWeek too.
Other than that, be as creative as you would like with it! Individuals may submit multiple entries.
Go out into nature and share what you find.
Share your favourite endangered native species and what we can do to help save it.
Or share your thoughts with us from the comfort of your home.
We look forward to seeing your videos!
ACCLIMATISE is presented to Victoria for National Science Week 2021 and is supported by Inspiring Victoria.