A key goal of the Inspiring Victoria initiative is to foster and support local people and organisations keen on convening their communities around the excitement of discovery, the attainment of scientific literacy and opportunities for the application of new knowledge to local challenges. We seek to establish Science and Innovation Hubs to provide a place for STEM engagement and literacy initiatives in regional and outer suburban population centres in particular.
The Victorian Tech Schools initiative are partners in the initiative and several of these ten educational hubs are extending their function beyond secondary schooling to provide a focal point for community STEM engagement and education.
Further, Public Libraries Victoria are lead partners in the Inspiring Victoria initiative, providing a network of 260 grass-roots knowledge hubs to host activities, programs and talks for the science-curious and locals seeking to put solid knowledge to good use for their communities.
The initiative has a goal of building adaptable, innovative communities through lifelong learning and cultural events concerned with science literacy, and participation in youth development initiatives such as science clubs and career-focused seminars from industries, training institutions and professional associations.
Several grant programs are made available to our participating organisations, either year-round with the Partnership Network Grants, or during National Science Week for schools, communities and public libraries. Larger grants are provided to Hubs to convene, organise and deliver special programs for their communities, particularly during National Science Week.