Climate Notes @ Royal Botanical Gardens Victoria
The Botanic Garden that Thought it Could Change the World
Join acclaimed writer and climate activist Sophie Cunningham (author of Melbourne and City of Trees) in conversation with Clare Hart, Manager Horticulture, and Peter Symes, Curator Horticulture, about the Gardens’ Landscape Succession Strategy and the international Climate Change Alliance of Botanic Gardens. Collaboration between botanic gardens across the globe is essential in understanding…
The Future of Fungi
Join Tom May, Principal Research Scientist (Mycology) in a discussion with writer and climate activist Sophie Cunningham (author of Melbourne and City of Trees) about the future of fungi. Fungi are megadiverse, estimated at several million species globally. Discover the role of fungi in ecosystems and how they will fare in future climates; and learn how fungi…
Collecting Insights: Environmental Adaptation in Victoria @ Parliament of Victoria
Decarbonising Energy: At the Tipping Point
Foodprint Melbourne: Building the Resilience of Melbourne’s Food System
Coastal Resilience: How Landforms Cope with Changing Waves and Rising Seas
The 2021 Howitt Lecture Presented in partnership with the Geological Society of Australia (Victoria Division). Our coast is a dynamic system. As the protective boundary between the land and sea it absorbs the constant energy it receives from waves and…
STEM and Society: The Anthropocene
Human pressures on the planet as a whole – the ‘Earth System’ – have now become so great that scientists have proposed that we have now left the Holocene, the geologic epoch that has been humanity’s accommodating home for…
Why the World Needs Ecologists
We are drowning in bad news. Two pages into the (1000pg) United Nations Global Assessment of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services and you’ll be pleading for Tolstoy. Even David Attenborough is depressing these days. Ecosystems collapse and species loss is…