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John Arnott, Dr Megan Hirst, session host Bill Bainbridge, Dr Joanna Sumner, Dr Marissa Parrott, Darren Grover.

Caring for the Rare

by Dr Catriona Nguyen-Robertson This article follows a panel discussion during National Science Week 2022 with John Arnott, Manager of Horticulture at Royal Botanic Gardens Victoria; Dr Megan Hirst, Post-Doctoral Fellow at Royal Botanic Gardens Victoria; Dr Joanna Sumner, Manager of…

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STEM and Society: SealSpotters

Join Dr Rebecca McIntosh and Ross Holmberg from the Phillip Island Nature Parks team as they prepare to launch the annual SealSpotter Challenge, when citizen scientists around the globe jump online to count Australian fur seals and contribute to vital conservation research. The SealSpotter program allows anyone with a computer to help with the management and protection of our oceans by counting…

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Basalt Field in Hawai'i

Science at the Extreme

Every day, scientists in the field balance the excitement and danger of collecting data from some of the wildest and most hostile environments on the planet in the pursuit of knowledge. For the Victorian launch of National Science Week, we're bringing together a dream team of science adventurers to share their journeys and discoveries! Join us at the Melbourne Museum, and explore the science galleries after the talks.

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Eggs Alive!

Kangaroo Flat Library (Goldfields Libraries) is excited to announce that for National Science Week from the 13 – 21 August we are presenting “Eggs Alive!” Goldfields Libraries is a successful SEED grant winner and would like to share this whole…

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