Scientists send messages from the future

A solitary computer positioned among rows of leather bound journals from the 1800’s blinks with incoming messages.
The Cudmore Library at the Royal Society of Victoria, normally the site of a steady stream of scholars keen to access archives of scientific discoveries, field research, and expeditions of early Victorian colonial days, has stood dark and quiet during the COVID-19 pandemic. But now the past has become a portal to the future. The Library’s computer has begun receiving messages sent from the future by scientists.
Entrusted with the messages, the Royal Society of Victoria now shares these scientists’ words of wisdom with you in the present.
At this time when Victoria is emerging from lockdown, scientists have sent these messages from the future with information and advice to help us seize the courage and hope required to create together the better future that these scientists have seen and lived.
These messages reveal that our society has put science to work to find solutions to the current climate change challenge, build a more equitable, sustainable and healthy society, and transform the planet into thriving ecosystems teaming with biodiversity.
Watch the messages intercepted in the Cudmore Library below, and if you have also received messages from the future recently (perhaps even from your future self), please share with us on Twitter @RoyalSocietyVic #MsgsFromFuture
Incoming Transmission from the Baw Baw Bunker, October 18, 2047! Dr Jenny Gray, CEO of Zoos Victoria communicates we have worked out what animals think – and feel – using some pretty advanced technology.
Incoming Transmission from March 27, 2050! Health Equity expert Professor Sharon Friel welcomes you to the Good Place, a healthy, equitable, sustainable, prosperous society. Not like 2020, which was TERRIBLE. Good thing we worked out all the root causes of all this unhappiness and inequality and addressed them, system-wide.
Incoming Transmission from June 12, 2025! Immunologist and Nobel Laureate, Professor Peter Doherty has some wonderful news about the latest COVID-19 vaccine: it’s “the greatest vaccine that’s EVER BEEN… BETTER THAN MEASLES… a WONDERFUL outcome.”
Incoming Transmission from August 29, 2067! Interdisciplinary researcher Associate Professor Lauren Rickards reports we’ve all become researchers, with a “learning relationship” to the world, working together as diverse communities.
‘Messages from the Future’ is a science meets culture initiative of the Royal Society of Victoria’s Inspiring Victoria STEM engagement program.